WEATHER:Not too bad for the last day of the count. Partly cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a strong north wind, and flurries off and on throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: The end of the season; 4WW Scoters, 14 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 3 Common Mergansers, and 1 RN Grebe.
GULLS: We finally had some varity, with 1 Black-legged Kittiwake, 1 Thayer's, 2 Great Black-backed, 1 Ring-billed and 115 Herring Gulls.
OTHERBIRDS: The sixth Snowy Owl of the fall made a brief stop at the tip this morning, before heading south over the bay. This Owl was almost pure white, unlike the Owls from the past couple days.
Stay tuned for a final post wrapping up the 2008 fall season.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
November 14, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 40's, with northwesterly winds, and a off and on drizzle throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: Slow. 48 LT Ducks where the only ducks of the day, with 4 Red-necked Grebes and 3 Common Loons rounding out the waterfowl flight.
OTHERBIRDS: The 5ht Snowy Owl of the fall was present for the whole day at the tip. In the late morning a pair of Ravens attacked the Owl, and drove a mile offshore. When the Ravens came back to shore, a flock of gulls started mobbing the Owl, and drove it back to the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, flurries, and NNW winds 10-20 mph.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slow. 48 LT Ducks where the only ducks of the day, with 4 Red-necked Grebes and 3 Common Loons rounding out the waterfowl flight.
OTHERBIRDS: The 5ht Snowy Owl of the fall was present for the whole day at the tip. In the late morning a pair of Ravens attacked the Owl, and drove a mile offshore. When the Ravens came back to shore, a flock of gulls started mobbing the Owl, and drove it back to the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, flurries, and NNW winds 10-20 mph.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, November 13, 2008
November 13, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 40's, with steady southeast winds, and light rain in the morning..
WATERFOWL: Pretty slow, with only 117 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 RB Mergansers, 3 Horned and 2 RN Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for west winds, cloudy skies, and chance of rain in the morning.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Pretty slow, with only 117 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 RB Mergansers, 3 Horned and 2 RN Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for west winds, cloudy skies, and chance of rain in the morning.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
November 12, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a strong (25+ mph) southeast wind.
WATERFOWL: The highlight today was the biggest Black Duck push of the fall, with a flock of 6 in the 7th hour of the count. Other then that, it was another slow day with only 35 LT Ducks, 5 Common Goldeneye, 6 Common Mergansers, 1 Mallard, 1 Common Loon, and 1 Red-necked Grebe.
OTHERBIRDS: The 4th Snowy Owl of the fall showed up today, and spent the afternoon resting
the beach.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The highlight today was the biggest Black Duck push of the fall, with a flock of 6 in the 7th hour of the count. Other then that, it was another slow day with only 35 LT Ducks, 5 Common Goldeneye, 6 Common Mergansers, 1 Mallard, 1 Common Loon, and 1 Red-necked Grebe.
OTHERBIRDS: The 4th Snowy Owl of the fall showed up today, and spent the afternoon resting
the beach.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a light westerly wind.
WATERFOWL: Quite, with only 80 LT Ducks, 3 Bufflehead, 5 Common Goldeneye, 4 RB and 12 Common Mergansers, 3 WW and 2 Black Scoters, and 18 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Quite, with only 80 LT Ducks, 3 Bufflehead, 5 Common Goldeneye, 4 RB and 12 Common Mergansers, 3 WW and 2 Black Scoters, and 18 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, November 10, 2008
November 10, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's and a stiff northwest wind, made for a long day.
WATERFOWL: Things seem to be slowing down, with only 155 LT Ducks, 33 Bufflehead, 16 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 5 Common Mergansers, 2 Black Scoters and 8 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Things seem to be slowing down, with only 155 LT Ducks, 33 Bufflehead, 16 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 5 Common Mergansers, 2 Black Scoters and 8 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, November 9, 2008
November 8, 2008
WEATHER: Strong northwest winds, and snow flurries limited visibility. At times it was a complete whiteout.
WATERFOWL: There wasn't much to look happening today, despite seemingly good winds only a light duck flight. Highlights where; 95 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 6 Common and 37 RB Merganser, 3 Gadwall, 55 Common Goldeneye, and 3 Red-necked Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The third Snowy Owl of the fall was briefly present at the tip in the early afternoon, it was last seen flying south across the bay. A strange sight were 2 WW Crossbills feeding on the beach like Snow Buntings, in the mid morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: There wasn't much to look happening today, despite seemingly good winds only a light duck flight. Highlights where; 95 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 6 Common and 37 RB Merganser, 3 Gadwall, 55 Common Goldeneye, and 3 Red-necked Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The third Snowy Owl of the fall was briefly present at the tip in the early afternoon, it was last seen flying south across the bay. A strange sight were 2 WW Crossbills feeding on the beach like Snow Buntings, in the mid morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 8, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and rainy, with temps in the 40's and almost no wind.
WATERFOWL: Other then a light Long-tailed Duck flight, there wasn't much to look at. 207 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 37 RB Merganser, and 6 RN Grebes.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was still present today, alternating between the harbor and the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Other then a light Long-tailed Duck flight, there wasn't much to look at. 207 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 37 RB Merganser, and 6 RN Grebes.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was still present today, alternating between the harbor and the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, November 7, 2008
November 7, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and foggy, with temps in the low 50's and a light southeast wind.
WATERFOWL: Other then a decent LT Duck movement, things were slow again. 699 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 4 Black Scoters, 2 Common Goldeneye, 12 RB Merganser, and 6 Buffleheads.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Spotted Sandpiper circled the tip in the afternoon before join up with a Snow Bunting flock and heading south.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was around again today, along with 1 Bonaparte's Gull.
OTHERBIRDS: A adult Northern Goshawk made a couple passes around the tip today. 3 Lapland Longspur's were mixed in with a Snow Bunting flock.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cooler temps, rain, and southwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Other then a decent LT Duck movement, things were slow again. 699 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 4 Black Scoters, 2 Common Goldeneye, 12 RB Merganser, and 6 Buffleheads.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Spotted Sandpiper circled the tip in the afternoon before join up with a Snow Bunting flock and heading south.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was around again today, along with 1 Bonaparte's Gull.
OTHERBIRDS: A adult Northern Goshawk made a couple passes around the tip today. 3 Lapland Longspur's were mixed in with a Snow Bunting flock.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cooler temps, rain, and southwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, November 6, 2008
November 6, 2008

WEATHER: 50's anc cloudy with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: Extremely slow, with no birds in the last 4 hours of the count. 5 LT Ducks, 4 Common Goldeneye, 1 RB Merganser, and 4 RN Grebes were it for the day.
GULLS: A 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull spent the day around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for south east winds and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5, 2008
WEATHER: Another beautiful day! Sunny and 60's, with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: 2 WW Scoters, 7 LT Ducks, 11 Bufflehead, 12 Common Goldeneye, and 5 RB Merganser's.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks hunted the treeline in the early afternoon, and the second Murrelet of the fall flew past heading south at the start of the 7th hour. We're still unsettled on a ID, but it had white underwings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, more south winds, and a chance of showers..
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 2 WW Scoters, 7 LT Ducks, 11 Bufflehead, 12 Common Goldeneye, and 5 RB Merganser's.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks hunted the treeline in the early afternoon, and the second Murrelet of the fall flew past heading south at the start of the 7th hour. We're still unsettled on a ID, but it had white underwings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, more south winds, and a chance of showers..
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4, 2008
WEATHER: Fantastic weather for November! Sunny and 60's, with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: 1 Mallard, 1 WW Scoter, 8 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 10 RB Mergansers, 2 Common Loons, 1 Horned and 1 RN Grebe were it for the day.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Rough-legged Hawks hunted the treeline and beach for part of the morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and more south winds.
God Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 1 Mallard, 1 WW Scoter, 8 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 10 RB Mergansers, 2 Common Loons, 1 Horned and 1 RN Grebe were it for the day.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Rough-legged Hawks hunted the treeline and beach for part of the morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and more south winds.
God Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 3, 2008
WEATHER: Warm (50's!) and hazy with light south winds.
WATERFOWL: 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 71 Long-tailed Ducks, 13 Common Goldeneye, and 4 Horned Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The second Snowy Owl of the fall spent the day at the tip today, giving those present great views of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and south winds.
Enjoy the Warmth!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 71 Long-tailed Ducks, 13 Common Goldeneye, and 4 Horned Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The second Snowy Owl of the fall spent the day at the tip today, giving those present great views of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and south winds.
Enjoy the Warmth!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, November 2, 2008
WEATHER: A cool, hazy day with 25+ m.p.h. Southeast winds.
WATERFOWL: Slooooooooow. 35 RB Mergansers, 21 Common Goldeneye, 9 LT Ducks, 4 WW Scoters, 4 Greater Scaup, 4 Bufflehead. 3 RT Loons, and 1 distant Swan species were nice.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and Southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slooooooooow. 35 RB Mergansers, 21 Common Goldeneye, 9 LT Ducks, 4 WW Scoters, 4 Greater Scaup, 4 Bufflehead. 3 RT Loons, and 1 distant Swan species were nice.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and Southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November 1, 2008
WEATHER: A beautiful day at the point. With a cloudless sky, light east winds that had switched around to the NW by the end of the count, and temps in the 40's.
WATERFOWL: Not much. 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 5 LT Ducks, 25 Bufflehead, 43 Common Godleneye, and 78 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Short-eared Owl came in off the lake in the first hour. A strange sighting was a RB Gull eating what appeared to be a female type Scarlet Tanager in the second hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Not much. 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 5 LT Ducks, 25 Bufflehead, 43 Common Godleneye, and 78 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Short-eared Owl came in off the lake in the first hour. A strange sighting was a RB Gull eating what appeared to be a female type Scarlet Tanager in the second hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, October 31, 2008
October 31, 2008
WEATHER: Another nice day at the point, with temps in the 50's, sunny skies, and a NW wind that slowly increased through out the day.
WATERFOWL: Despite seemingly good conditions, not much was moving today. Only 132 LT Ducks, 13 WW and 8 Black Scoters, 87 Bufflehead, 30 RN Grebes, and the first Harlequin Duck of the season.
OTHERBIRDS: In the 7th hour, we spotted a ANCIENT MURRELET in flight over the lake heading south. It was only seen in flight and we watched until it flew out of site, heading towards the Soo
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Despite seemingly good conditions, not much was moving today. Only 132 LT Ducks, 13 WW and 8 Black Scoters, 87 Bufflehead, 30 RN Grebes, and the first Harlequin Duck of the season.
OTHERBIRDS: In the 7th hour, we spotted a ANCIENT MURRELET in flight over the lake heading south. It was only seen in flight and we watched until it flew out of site, heading towards the Soo
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, October 30, 2008

WEATHER: Warm (50's!) and sunny, with a 30+ m.p.h. south wind.
WATERFOWL: Not much. Highlights were; 1 Black and 5 WW Scoters, 3 Greater Scaup, and the first Hooded Merganser of the fall.
OTHERBIRDS: White-winged Crossbills were moving today, with 66 seen coming in off the lake.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October 29, 2008
WEATHER: Cool and partly sunny, with a strong (25+ mph) north wind, that slowly died throughout the count.
WATERFOWL: Good winds, low numbers. 623 Long-tailed Ducks, 1 Black Scoter, 22 WW Scoters, 50 Common Goldeneye, 4 Mallards, 50 RB Mergansers, and 21 RN Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: just before the end of the count, Don Jennette spotted a Snowy Owl sitting at the tip! It was around the tip for a few minutes before moving down the bayshoreline. Check out the sightings blog for Chris's steller pictures of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and 20-30 m.p.h. south winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Good winds, low numbers. 623 Long-tailed Ducks, 1 Black Scoter, 22 WW Scoters, 50 Common Goldeneye, 4 Mallards, 50 RB Mergansers, and 21 RN Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: just before the end of the count, Don Jennette spotted a Snowy Owl sitting at the tip! It was around the tip for a few minutes before moving down the bayshoreline. Check out the sightings blog for Chris's steller pictures of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and 20-30 m.p.h. south winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
October 28, 2008
WEATHER: Cold and cloudy, with a steady north wind, and the first snow flakes of the season.
WATERFOWL: A good day for Black Scoters, with 16. But only 18 WW Scoters went south. The second hour was good for Bufflehead, with 101. But we only had 190 for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Greater Yellowlegs went past the tip today.
GULLS: The first Black-legged Kittiwake of the fall came by today, with a first winter bird in the 4th hour of the count.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, snow showers and 20+ m.p.h. winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A good day for Black Scoters, with 16. But only 18 WW Scoters went south. The second hour was good for Bufflehead, with 101. But we only had 190 for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Greater Yellowlegs went past the tip today.
GULLS: The first Black-legged Kittiwake of the fall came by today, with a first winter bird in the 4th hour of the count.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, snow showers and 20+ m.p.h. winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, October 27, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy, with intermittent rain shows and 25+ mph NNW winds.
WATERFOWL: Despite seemly great winds, only a smattering of birds went south today. Including 3 Black Scoters, 1 GW Teal, and 1 Mallard!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, snow showers and 10-20 m.p.h. NNW winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Despite seemly great winds, only a smattering of birds went south today. Including 3 Black Scoters, 1 GW Teal, and 1 Mallard!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, snow showers and 10-20 m.p.h. NNW winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, October 26, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with intermittent rain shows and light winds that started out of the southwest, then slowly shifted to the west.
WATERFOWL: A light flight. Highlights were, 35 White-winged and 2 Black Scoters, 34 Bufflehead, 517 RB Mergansers, 1 Mallard, and 37 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: One Dunlin, and 1 Sanderling.
OTHERBIRDS: Ken Mettie Jr. found a CATTLE EGRET tucked in the gull flock at the harbor this morning, this is only the third point record, and second latest fall record.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, rain and snow showers and 25 mph winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A light flight. Highlights were, 35 White-winged and 2 Black Scoters, 34 Bufflehead, 517 RB Mergansers, 1 Mallard, and 37 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: One Dunlin, and 1 Sanderling.
OTHERBIRDS: Ken Mettie Jr. found a CATTLE EGRET tucked in the gull flock at the harbor this morning, this is only the third point record, and second latest fall record.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, rain and snow showers and 25 mph winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, October 25, 2008
WEATHER: More south winds, and cloudy skies with temps in the 50's.
WATERFOWL: Another quite day, with just a trickle of ducks going by. Highlights were 3 WW and 1 Black Scoters, and 1 RN Grebe
OTHERBIRDS: Two Northern Goshawks made a couple passes near the Shack today. The Northern Shrike made a couple forays along the treeline as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for showers and west winds, with gusts over 40 mph!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Another quite day, with just a trickle of ducks going by. Highlights were 3 WW and 1 Black Scoters, and 1 RN Grebe
OTHERBIRDS: Two Northern Goshawks made a couple passes near the Shack today. The Northern Shrike made a couple forays along the treeline as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for showers and west winds, with gusts over 40 mph!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, October 24, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with a strong SE wind all day.
WATERFOWL: Things were better then yesterday, with 4 Mallards, 14 Greater Scaup, 1 Surf, 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 LT Duck, 4 Bufflehead, 1 Common and 136 RB Mergansers. 1 RT Loon, 2 Common Loons, and 5 RN Grebes also migrated south today.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Greater Yellowlegs flew over the shack in the second hour of the count.
OTHERBIRDS: A Northern Goshawk made a couple passes super close to the Shack today, at one point it was less then 20ft away!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, rain showers and 10-20 mph winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Things were better then yesterday, with 4 Mallards, 14 Greater Scaup, 1 Surf, 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 LT Duck, 4 Bufflehead, 1 Common and 136 RB Mergansers. 1 RT Loon, 2 Common Loons, and 5 RN Grebes also migrated south today.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Greater Yellowlegs flew over the shack in the second hour of the count.
OTHERBIRDS: A Northern Goshawk made a couple passes super close to the Shack today, at one point it was less then 20ft away!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, rain showers and 10-20 mph winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, October 23, 2008
WEATHER: Another pleasant day at the tip, with mostly sunny skies, and a stiff SE wind, and temps in the upper 40's.
WATERFOWL: The flight today was impressive, with 1 Mallard, 2 LT Ducks, 1 RB and 1 Common Merganser going past the point!
OTHERBIRDS: The Northern Shrike was around again, and briefly perched on the Merlin pole in the late morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more of the same.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The flight today was impressive, with 1 Mallard, 2 LT Ducks, 1 RB and 1 Common Merganser going past the point!
OTHERBIRDS: The Northern Shrike was around again, and briefly perched on the Merlin pole in the late morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more of the same.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
WEATHER: A gorgeous day at the point with sunny skies and light SE wind, with temps in the 40's.
WATERFOWL: Very slow. 2 Greater Scaup, 1 Lesser Scaup, 30 WW Scoters, 9 LT Ducks, and 89 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Northern Shrike tee'ed up on the Merlin pole a couple times today, and a WW Crossbill flew over the shack in the early afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light SE winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Very slow. 2 Greater Scaup, 1 Lesser Scaup, 30 WW Scoters, 9 LT Ducks, and 89 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Northern Shrike tee'ed up on the Merlin pole a couple times today, and a WW Crossbill flew over the shack in the early afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light SE winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, October 17, 2008
October 17, 2008
WEATHER: A beautiful day at the point with sunny skies and a cool SW breeze.
WATERFOWL: Red-breasted Merganser's put on a good show today, with 1077 going south today, and 523 in one hour! Other then the RB Mergs, there was a modest push of other ducks, with 346 Scaup, 59 LT Ducks, 79 White-winged, 9 Black and 13 Surf Scoters, and 54 GW Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover.
OTHERBIRDS: The highlight of the day was a Long-eared Owl that flew in off the lake and went right over the shack, in the middle of the day! Check out the sightings blog for Chirs's shot of it.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and light SSE winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Red-breasted Merganser's put on a good show today, with 1077 going south today, and 523 in one hour! Other then the RB Mergs, there was a modest push of other ducks, with 346 Scaup, 59 LT Ducks, 79 White-winged, 9 Black and 13 Surf Scoters, and 54 GW Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover.
OTHERBIRDS: The highlight of the day was a Long-eared Owl that flew in off the lake and went right over the shack, in the middle of the day! Check out the sightings blog for Chirs's shot of it.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and light SSE winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 16, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with a strong NW wind that slowly died off throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: Despite seemingly perfect conditions today, There was only faint traces of a waterfowl flight. With only 48 WW Scoters, 111 LT Ducks, 22 Green-winged Teal, 125 RB Mergansers, and 92 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 1 Sanderling.
OTHERBIRDS: Snow Buntings numbers increased today, with over a dozen feeding around the point.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and light winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Despite seemingly perfect conditions today, There was only faint traces of a waterfowl flight. With only 48 WW Scoters, 111 LT Ducks, 22 Green-winged Teal, 125 RB Mergansers, and 92 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 1 Sanderling.
OTHERBIRDS: Snow Buntings numbers increased today, with over a dozen feeding around the point.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and light winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 15, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with a steady SW wind and light rain in the midday.
WATERFOWL: The flight sputtered along throughout the day with no real highlights. Long-tailed Duck number keep growing, with 353 going by today. 4 Black, 34 Surf and 168 WW Scoters also went south today, along with 5 RT Loons.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 1 Sanderling.
GULLS: 17 Bonaprate's Gulls went past today, hopefully a sign of whats to come.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NNW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The flight sputtered along throughout the day with no real highlights. Long-tailed Duck number keep growing, with 353 going by today. 4 Black, 34 Surf and 168 WW Scoters also went south today, along with 5 RT Loons.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 1 Sanderling.
GULLS: 17 Bonaprate's Gulls went past today, hopefully a sign of whats to come.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NNW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 14, 2008
WEATHER: Mostly sunny, with strong WNW winds throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: A modest flight, including; 140+ White-winged, 30 Surf and 4 Black Scoters, 110 Am. Wigeon, over 600 Scaup, and 233 Long-tailed Ducks, 92 Red-necked Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: A Owl (either a Long-eared or a Short-eared) flew past the tip in the first hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for light south winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A modest flight, including; 140+ White-winged, 30 Surf and 4 Black Scoters, 110 Am. Wigeon, over 600 Scaup, and 233 Long-tailed Ducks, 92 Red-necked Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: A Owl (either a Long-eared or a Short-eared) flew past the tip in the first hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for light south winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, October 13, 2008
October 13, 2008
WEATHER: Another cloudy, hazy day, with light SE winds.
WATERFOWL: Some Ducks flew past the point today, including all three Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Black-bellied Plover was a nice bird today.
OTHERBIRDS: Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned and Rough-legged Hawks were all where seen hunting around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for WNW winds and thunderstorms!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Some Ducks flew past the point today, including all three Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Black-bellied Plover was a nice bird today.
OTHERBIRDS: Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned and Rough-legged Hawks were all where seen hunting around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for WNW winds and thunderstorms!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, October 12, 2008
WEATHER: A cloudy, hazy day, with light SE winds.
WATERFOWL: Another day with a good waterfowl movement. With 12 species ducks recorded, including good looks at all three Scoters, and 14 RT Loons.
GULLS; 6 Bonaparte's Gull's migrated south today.
OTHERBIRDS: The highlight of the day had to be great looks at an adult Northern Goshawk as it hunted along the tree line behind the Shack.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more SE winds, partly cloudy skies, and rain in the late afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Another day with a good waterfowl movement. With 12 species ducks recorded, including good looks at all three Scoters, and 14 RT Loons.
GULLS; 6 Bonaparte's Gull's migrated south today.
OTHERBIRDS: The highlight of the day had to be great looks at an adult Northern Goshawk as it hunted along the tree line behind the Shack.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more SE winds, partly cloudy skies, and rain in the late afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, October 11, 2008
October 11, 2008
WEATHER: Windy! Strong SE winds all day made things interesting.
WATERFOWL: Despite the wind there was a decent movement throughout the day, with 10 duck species recorded including; 34 WW Scoters, 6 Surf Scoters, over 800 Scaup. 8 RT Loons, and 91 Common Loons were also recorded.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Dunlin were it for the day.
JAEGERS: 1 Intermediate morph 1st winter Parasitic Jaeger chased a Ring-billed Gull over the Shack and north up the lake in the 5th hour of the count.
OTHERBIRDS: 1 Northern Harrier, and 1 Peregrine Falcon came in off the lake today. And a female BB Woodpecker made a brief flight along the lakeshore, before going back into the woods in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more SE winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Despite the wind there was a decent movement throughout the day, with 10 duck species recorded including; 34 WW Scoters, 6 Surf Scoters, over 800 Scaup. 8 RT Loons, and 91 Common Loons were also recorded.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Dunlin were it for the day.
JAEGERS: 1 Intermediate morph 1st winter Parasitic Jaeger chased a Ring-billed Gull over the Shack and north up the lake in the 5th hour of the count.
OTHERBIRDS: 1 Northern Harrier, and 1 Peregrine Falcon came in off the lake today. And a female BB Woodpecker made a brief flight along the lakeshore, before going back into the woods in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more SE winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, October 10, 2008
WEATHER:Partly cloudy, with temps in the upper 60's and light WNW winds throughout the count.
WATERFOWL: There was a actual duck flight today, with over 3000 individuals of 18 species recorded, including; 2300+ Scaup, 213 Redheads, 18 Ring-necked Ducks, 134 Am. Wigeon, 120 WW Scoters, and 59 Surf Scoters. 148 RN Grebes, 31 Common and 10 RT Loons rounded out the waterbirds.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: Similer to yesterday with 1 Northern Goshawk that buzzed the Shack, a female Black-backed Woodpecker on the Merlin Pole, and a Swamp Sparrow that flew into the Shack!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: There was a actual duck flight today, with over 3000 individuals of 18 species recorded, including; 2300+ Scaup, 213 Redheads, 18 Ring-necked Ducks, 134 Am. Wigeon, 120 WW Scoters, and 59 Surf Scoters. 148 RN Grebes, 31 Common and 10 RT Loons rounded out the waterbirds.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: Similer to yesterday with 1 Northern Goshawk that buzzed the Shack, a female Black-backed Woodpecker on the Merlin Pole, and a Swamp Sparrow that flew into the Shack!
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, October 9, 2008
October 9, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, with strong west winds throughout the count.
WATERFOWL: There was movement today, which was pretty nice too see. 142 WW Scoters, 132 RN Grebes, and 3 RT Loons where some of the highlights today.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover and 4 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks, a Black-backed Woodpecker, a Northern Shrike, and a Clay-colored Sparrow all put on appearances today at the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for WNW winds and sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counte
WATERFOWL: There was movement today, which was pretty nice too see. 142 WW Scoters, 132 RN Grebes, and 3 RT Loons where some of the highlights today.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover and 4 Sanderlings.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks, a Black-backed Woodpecker, a Northern Shrike, and a Clay-colored Sparrow all put on appearances today at the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for WNW winds and sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counte
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October 8, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy with showers throughout the day, with strong Southeast winds at the start of the count, which had shifted to the West by the end of the count.
WATERFOWL: It was slow until the last 2 hours when 43 Greater & 146 Lesser Scaup came through.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Dunlin and 3 Sanderlings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for gusty West winds, and sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counte
WATERFOWL: It was slow until the last 2 hours when 43 Greater & 146 Lesser Scaup came through.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Dunlin and 3 Sanderlings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for gusty West winds, and sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counte
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
October 7, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny and cool, with strong southeast winds.
WATERFOWL:Painfully slow. With only 12 WW Scoters, 10 LT Ducks, 17 RB Mergansers, 1 Common Loon, and 1 RN Grebe.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover, and 4 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS, GULLS: The juvenile Parasitic Jaeger came by the point again today. Each time it put on a exciting show, harassing the gulls and stealing food from them. The 1st winter GBB Gull was present again today.
OTHERBIRDS; The first 3 Rough-legged Hawks of the season showed up today.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for showers and southwinds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Painfully slow. With only 12 WW Scoters, 10 LT Ducks, 17 RB Mergansers, 1 Common Loon, and 1 RN Grebe.
SHOREBIRDS:1 Am. Golden-Plover, and 4 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS, GULLS: The juvenile Parasitic Jaeger came by the point again today. Each time it put on a exciting show, harassing the gulls and stealing food from them. The 1st winter GBB Gull was present again today.
OTHERBIRDS; The first 3 Rough-legged Hawks of the season showed up today.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for showers and southwinds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, October 6, 2008
October 6, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny and cool, with strong southeast winds.
WATERFOWL: Another slow day, with very low numbers. The highlight was 71 WW Scoters, 3 Surf Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Am. Golden-Plovers, and 2 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: A juvenile Parasitic Jaeger put on two appearances today. The first time it buzzed the shoreline, the second time it cut the tip and flew 50yds away from the waterbird shack!
OTHERBIRDS; 1 BB Woodpecker made a brief stop at the Merlin Pole in the second hour of the count, Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks, and Am. Pipits continue to flock around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for southeast winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Another slow day, with very low numbers. The highlight was 71 WW Scoters, 3 Surf Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Am. Golden-Plovers, and 2 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: A juvenile Parasitic Jaeger put on two appearances today. The first time it buzzed the shoreline, the second time it cut the tip and flew 50yds away from the waterbird shack!
OTHERBIRDS; 1 BB Woodpecker made a brief stop at the Merlin Pole in the second hour of the count, Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks, and Am. Pipits continue to flock around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for southeast winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Highlights: Parasitic Jaeger, Sabine's Gull, RED PHALAROPE.
WEATHER: A pleasant day at the tip. Cool, and partly sunny with light northeast winds.
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow with very low numbers. 3 Surf Scoters, and 35 WW Scoters where the only ducks of intrest.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover, 8 Sanderlings, and 1 RED PHALAROPE, that spent over two hours feeding just off the tip!

JAEGERS, GULLS: The juvenile Parasitic Jaeger was present again, and spent much of the day harassing the gulls and resting offshore of the tip. A juvenile Sabine's Gull spent about 2 hours feeding around the tip, and landed briefly on the tip! The 1st winter GBB Gull was present today as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for some sun, and Southest winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WEATHER: A pleasant day at the tip. Cool, and partly sunny with light northeast winds.
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow with very low numbers. 3 Surf Scoters, and 35 WW Scoters where the only ducks of intrest.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover, 8 Sanderlings, and 1 RED PHALAROPE, that spent over two hours feeding just off the tip!

JAEGERS, GULLS: The juvenile Parasitic Jaeger was present again, and spent much of the day harassing the gulls and resting offshore of the tip. A juvenile Sabine's Gull spent about 2 hours feeding around the tip, and landed briefly on the tip! The 1st winter GBB Gull was present today as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for some sun, and Southest winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, October 4, 2008
WEATHER: Cool, and partly sunny with light northerly winds.
WATERFOWL:Slow. All three Scoter species went past the tip today, along with a few Long-tailed Ducks.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden-Plovers, and 4 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS, GULLS: What was probably yesterday's juvenile Parasitic Jaeger, buzzed the point again today in the afternoon. At one point it chased a RB Gull 30 feet over the Shack! A 1st winter Great Black-backed flew south today as well.
OTHER BIRDS: Early in the morning, Craig Bateman picked up a Long-eared Owl in flight over the lake, which eventually landed in the trees, where it was seen for sometime. Check out the sightings blog for pictures of it. Also, throughout the day, at least 3 different Black-backed Woodpeckers were seen on the Merlin Pole.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for east winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Slow. All three Scoter species went past the tip today, along with a few Long-tailed Ducks.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden-Plovers, and 4 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS, GULLS: What was probably yesterday's juvenile Parasitic Jaeger, buzzed the point again today in the afternoon. At one point it chased a RB Gull 30 feet over the Shack! A 1st winter Great Black-backed flew south today as well.
OTHER BIRDS: Early in the morning, Craig Bateman picked up a Long-eared Owl in flight over the lake, which eventually landed in the trees, where it was seen for sometime. Check out the sightings blog for pictures of it. Also, throughout the day, at least 3 different Black-backed Woodpeckers were seen on the Merlin Pole.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for east winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, October 3, 2008
October 3, 2008
WEATHER: Cool, and partly sunny with strong NW winds.
WATERFOWL:Pretty slow, highlights were all three Scoter species, and a breeding plumaged PACIFIC LOON that flew past the point in the late morning.
SHOREBIRDS: 16 Sanderlings spent most of the day mulling around the tip.
JAEGERS, GULLS: A juvenile Parasitic Jaeger buzzed the point a few times in the afternoon. A juvenile Little Gull flew past in the 3rd hour, in 5th hour it reappeared at the tip and spent a half hour flying around the tip and resting on and offshore.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for lite north winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Pretty slow, highlights were all three Scoter species, and a breeding plumaged PACIFIC LOON that flew past the point in the late morning.
SHOREBIRDS: 16 Sanderlings spent most of the day mulling around the tip.
JAEGERS, GULLS: A juvenile Parasitic Jaeger buzzed the point a few times in the afternoon. A juvenile Little Gull flew past in the 3rd hour, in 5th hour it reappeared at the tip and spent a half hour flying around the tip and resting on and offshore.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for lite north winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, October 2, 2008
October 2, 2008
WEATHER: Pretty much like yesterday, only a little sunnier.
WATERFOWL: Like yesterday, only slower. A nice sight was a flock of 6 Surf Scoters, 5 of which where adult males!
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden-Plovers, 1 flew past just after dawn, and the second briefly landed near the shack in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Like yesterday, only slower. A nice sight was a flock of 6 Surf Scoters, 5 of which where adult males!
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden-Plovers, 1 flew past just after dawn, and the second briefly landed near the shack in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October 1, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with strong north winds. It seemed like a good day for migration.
WATERFOWL: considering the excellent winds, it was surprisingly slow. With only a 7 species of Ducks seen, including 58 WW Scoters and 3 Black Scoters. 4 RT Loons, and 13 RN Grebes also went south today.
SHOREBIRDS: The end of the shorebird season, with only 12 Sanderlings present today.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: considering the excellent winds, it was surprisingly slow. With only a 7 species of Ducks seen, including 58 WW Scoters and 3 Black Scoters. 4 RT Loons, and 13 RN Grebes also went south today.
SHOREBIRDS: The end of the shorebird season, with only 12 Sanderlings present today.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September 30, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool throughout the count, with light NW winds.
WATERFOWL: Light movement throughout the day, the highlight being 37 WW Scoters, 8 Surf Scoters, and 1 Black Scoter.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover, and 9 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: 3 Jaegers went past the point today, but they where all too far out to identify to species.
A cool sight today was seeing several waterspouts out of the lake in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for strong north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Light movement throughout the day, the highlight being 37 WW Scoters, 8 Surf Scoters, and 1 Black Scoter.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden-Plover, and 9 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: 3 Jaegers went past the point today, but they where all too far out to identify to species.
A cool sight today was seeing several waterspouts out of the lake in the afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for strong north winds and showers.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, September 29, 2008
September 29, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool throughout the count, with strong SE winds.
WATERFOWL: A light push in the morning,that included the first Long-tailed Ducks (26) of the season along with 88 WW Scoters,
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Black-bellied and 1 Am. Golden-Plover where present briefly in the morning.
OTHER BIRDS: 3 different Peregrine Falcons, and two Merlins spent most of the day hunting the Pipit, Longspur and Lark flocks around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for North winds and thunderstorms!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A light push in the morning,that included the first Long-tailed Ducks (26) of the season along with 88 WW Scoters,
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Black-bellied and 1 Am. Golden-Plover where present briefly in the morning.
OTHER BIRDS: 3 different Peregrine Falcons, and two Merlins spent most of the day hunting the Pipit, Longspur and Lark flocks around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for North winds and thunderstorms!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, September 25, 2008
September 25, 2008
WEATHER: By far the calmest day of the fall, with no perceivable wind for over half the day. It was also sunny, and temperatures reached the mid 70's making for a nice day to be at the tip.
WATERFOWL: The first Scaup push came today, with over 1000 going south along with 303 Redheads, 95 Am. Wigeon, 1 WW and 1 Surf Scoter. 35 RT Loons, 60 Common Loons, and 81 RN Grebes went by the point as well today.
SHOREBIRDS: 15 Am. Golden and 5 BB Plovers, 1 Pectoral and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 22 Sanderlings kept things interesting.
GULLS, TERNS: 34 Bonaparte's Gulls and 59 Common Terns moved south in the afternoon.
OTHER BIRDS: 1 Peregrine Falcon spent most of the day pushing the shorebirds around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling sunny skies and light southwinds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The first Scaup push came today, with over 1000 going south along with 303 Redheads, 95 Am. Wigeon, 1 WW and 1 Surf Scoter. 35 RT Loons, 60 Common Loons, and 81 RN Grebes went by the point as well today.
SHOREBIRDS: 15 Am. Golden and 5 BB Plovers, 1 Pectoral and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 22 Sanderlings kept things interesting.
GULLS, TERNS: 34 Bonaparte's Gulls and 59 Common Terns moved south in the afternoon.
OTHER BIRDS: 1 Peregrine Falcon spent most of the day pushing the shorebirds around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling sunny skies and light southwinds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September 24, 2008
WEATHER: The day started off with strong South winds, which died off and shifted to a light West wind after a midday rain shower.
WATERFOWL: Slow until the winds shifted, then there was a light push of ducks, including; 71 Am. Wigeon, 47 Redhead, 55 Lesser Scaup, and 3 WW Scoters. Red-necked Grebe numbers continue to be extremely low, with only 5 going south today...
SHOREBIRDS: 1 HUDSONIAN GODWIT landed on the tip for a few minutes during the rain shower. Also present were 5 Am. Golden and 3 Black-bellied Plovers, 3 Pectoral Sandpipers, and 16 Sanderlings.

OTHER BIRDS: 1 Black-backed Woodpecker sat on the Merlin pole for few minutes this afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling calm winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slow until the winds shifted, then there was a light push of ducks, including; 71 Am. Wigeon, 47 Redhead, 55 Lesser Scaup, and 3 WW Scoters. Red-necked Grebe numbers continue to be extremely low, with only 5 going south today...
SHOREBIRDS: 1 HUDSONIAN GODWIT landed on the tip for a few minutes during the rain shower. Also present were 5 Am. Golden and 3 Black-bellied Plovers, 3 Pectoral Sandpipers, and 16 Sanderlings.

OTHER BIRDS: 1 Black-backed Woodpecker sat on the Merlin pole for few minutes this afternoon.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling calm winds and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
WEATHER: Strong Southerly winds throughout the day kept migration to a stand still.
WATERFOWL: Extremely slow. 2 WW Scoters, 1 Greater Scaup, and 10 RN grebes were just about it.
SHOREBIRDS: 4 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Am. Golden and 1 BB Plover, and 8 Sanderlings.
GULLS: 1 Bonaparte's Gull went by in the 5th hour. The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southwest winds and partly cloudy skies. Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Extremely slow. 2 WW Scoters, 1 Greater Scaup, and 10 RN grebes were just about it.
SHOREBIRDS: 4 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Am. Golden and 1 BB Plover, and 8 Sanderlings.
GULLS: 1 Bonaparte's Gull went by in the 5th hour. The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southwest winds and partly cloudy skies. Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, September 22, 2008
WEATHER: Southerly winds throughout the day kept the migration down.
WATERFOWL: Slow. 16 WW Scoters where nice, as well as 3 RT Loons that flew over the Shack calling.
SHOREBIRDS: 6 Sanderlings, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and the 2nd Killdeer of the fall!
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Peregrine Falcons poked around the tip, along with the Merlin today. As well as a few Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks, and American Pipits.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southeast winds and some sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slow. 16 WW Scoters where nice, as well as 3 RT Loons that flew over the Shack calling.
SHOREBIRDS: 6 Sanderlings, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and the 2nd Killdeer of the fall!
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Peregrine Falcons poked around the tip, along with the Merlin today. As well as a few Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks, and American Pipits.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southeast winds and some sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, September 21, 2008
WEATHER: The day started with a light East wind, that slowly shifted to the SE by the end of the count.
WATERFOWL: A mere trickle. 2 WW Scoters and a semi close RT Loon were nice.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden, and 1 Semipalmated Plover, and 2 Sanderlings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southeast winds and some sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A mere trickle. 2 WW Scoters and a semi close RT Loon were nice.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden, and 1 Semipalmated Plover, and 2 Sanderlings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling Southeast winds and some sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, September 20, 2008
September 20, 2008
WEATHER: Despite a good tailwind, it was a slow day for migrant waterbirds. Todays weather was cloudy and cool, with a light NW wind.
WATERFOWL: There was a light push of loons this morning, and we ended the day with 279 Common Loons, and 32 RT Loons. Red-necked Grebes are trickling through, with 193 today.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden, and 1 Semipalmated Plover.
JAEGERS: In the third hour a distant adult type Jaeger was seen heading south.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for East winds and sunshine.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: There was a light push of loons this morning, and we ended the day with 279 Common Loons, and 32 RT Loons. Red-necked Grebes are trickling through, with 193 today.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden, and 1 Semipalmated Plover.
JAEGERS: In the third hour a distant adult type Jaeger was seen heading south.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for East winds and sunshine.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, September 19, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, warm, and 20+ mph South winds.
WATERFOWL: Another slow day, with a decent variety, but low numbers. The highlight was 5 Surf Scoters that flew down the shoreline, and landed close off the tip for a few minutes.
SHOREBIRDS: In the afternoon Chris found a STILT SANDPIPER in flight with the Sanderling flock. Eventually after the flock disappeared for a half hour, the STILT SANDPIPER set down in the phalarope pool for a few minutes. The other nice thing today was a flock of 22 Am. Golden-Plovers that buzzed the point in the afternoon.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for North winds, and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Another slow day, with a decent variety, but low numbers. The highlight was 5 Surf Scoters that flew down the shoreline, and landed close off the tip for a few minutes.
SHOREBIRDS: In the afternoon Chris found a STILT SANDPIPER in flight with the Sanderling flock. Eventually after the flock disappeared for a half hour, the STILT SANDPIPER set down in the phalarope pool for a few minutes. The other nice thing today was a flock of 22 Am. Golden-Plovers that buzzed the point in the afternoon.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for North winds, and partly cloudy skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, September 18, 2008
September 18, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, cool, with Easterly winds and heavy distortion over the lake.
WATERFOWL: A slow day, and due to the distortion, most of the birds couldn't be ID'ed to species. 1 WW Scoter, and 1 RT Loon where the highlights.
SHOREBIRDS: 6 Am. Golden and 2 BB Plovers, 2 Baird's Sandpiper, and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: Am. Pipits, Horned Larks, and Lapland Longspurs continue to feed around the point, along with 1 Merlin, and 1 Am. Kestrel.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for strong South winds, and sunshine.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A slow day, and due to the distortion, most of the birds couldn't be ID'ed to species. 1 WW Scoter, and 1 RT Loon where the highlights.
SHOREBIRDS: 6 Am. Golden and 2 BB Plovers, 2 Baird's Sandpiper, and 2 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: Am. Pipits, Horned Larks, and Lapland Longspurs continue to feed around the point, along with 1 Merlin, and 1 Am. Kestrel.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for strong South winds, and sunshine.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September 17, 2008
Highlights; Parasitic Jaeger, Sabine's Gull, Western kingbird.
WEATHER: Another nice day, sunny, warm with a light NW wind.
WATERFOWL: Slower then yesterday, with just a trickle of birds.
SHOREBIRDS: Shorebirds continue to trickle through, with 5 Baird's Sandpipers, 1 BB Plover, and 1 Am. Golden Plover were the highlights.
Left: Am. Golden Plover. Right: BB Plover.
JAEGERS, GULLS:1 adult Parasitic Jaeger buzzed the tip a couple times in the first hour, eventually getting a meal from a RB Gull. In the 5th hour we picked up a dark morph Jaeger species, that procedded to chase down an adult Jaeger and headed south. In the 8th hour, Chris pulled out the first Sabine's Gull of the season in with a small flock of Bonaparte's Gulls .
OTHER BIRDS: Chris found a Western Kingbird near the hawkwatch dune, that eventually made its way down to the beach, and was seen off and on throughout the afternoon working the tree line.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and lots of sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WEATHER: Another nice day, sunny, warm with a light NW wind.
WATERFOWL: Slower then yesterday, with just a trickle of birds.
SHOREBIRDS: Shorebirds continue to trickle through, with 5 Baird's Sandpipers, 1 BB Plover, and 1 Am. Golden Plover were the highlights.

JAEGERS, GULLS:1 adult Parasitic Jaeger buzzed the tip a couple times in the first hour, eventually getting a meal from a RB Gull. In the 5th hour we picked up a dark morph Jaeger species, that procedded to chase down an adult Jaeger and headed south. In the 8th hour, Chris pulled out the first Sabine's Gull of the season in with a small flock of Bonaparte's Gulls .
OTHER BIRDS: Chris found a Western Kingbird near the hawkwatch dune, that eventually made its way down to the beach, and was seen off and on throughout the afternoon working the tree line.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and lots of sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September 16, 2008
WEATHER: A pleasant day, with partly cloudy skies with a steady SW wind, and temps that ended in the mid 60's.
WATERFOWL: Diversity was pretty good today, with Mallard, Gadwall, BW Teal, GW Teal, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Redhead, Greater and Lesser Scaup all moving south today. RT Loons made a good afternoon push, with 52 for the day. RN Grebe numbers are still low, with only 17 seen today.
SHOREBIRDS: Things are starting to wind down , with only 1 BB Plover, 2 Am. Golden Plover, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings present today.
OTHER BIRDS: Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks and American Pipits were around the tip throughout the day, often feeding with in 20 ft. of the shack.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Diversity was pretty good today, with Mallard, Gadwall, BW Teal, GW Teal, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Redhead, Greater and Lesser Scaup all moving south today. RT Loons made a good afternoon push, with 52 for the day. RN Grebe numbers are still low, with only 17 seen today.
SHOREBIRDS: Things are starting to wind down , with only 1 BB Plover, 2 Am. Golden Plover, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings present today.
OTHER BIRDS: Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks and American Pipits were around the tip throughout the day, often feeding with in 20 ft. of the shack.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, September 15, 2008
September 15, 2008
WEATHER: Partly sunny, with a 20+ mph NE wind at the start of the count, eventually faded to a light breeze by the last hour.
WATERFOWL: Very very quite, with only 80 RN Grebes going by.
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Baird's Sandpipers, 1 Am. Golden Plover, 10 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS; Several flocks of Horned Larks, Am. Pipits, and Lapland Longspurs roamed around the point today, often feeding next to the shack. 2 Merlins, and the Peregrine Falcon poked around the tip most of the day as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Very very quite, with only 80 RN Grebes going by.
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Baird's Sandpipers, 1 Am. Golden Plover, 10 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS; Several flocks of Horned Larks, Am. Pipits, and Lapland Longspurs roamed around the point today, often feeding next to the shack. 2 Merlins, and the Peregrine Falcon poked around the tip most of the day as well.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, September 14, 2008
WEATHER: WINDY! 20+ mph NW winds all day and gray skies.
WATERFOWL: Surprisingly slow. However, there was a strong push of geese in the last 30 minutes of the count. With over 1000 going past the point, including 1 Greater White-fronted Goose!
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Black-billed Plovers, 2 Buff-breasted,1 Baird's Sandpiper, and a frustratingly distant flock of 20 Godwits that taunted me as they headed south.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Surprisingly slow. However, there was a strong push of geese in the last 30 minutes of the count. With over 1000 going past the point, including 1 Greater White-fronted Goose!
SHOREBIRDS: 3 Black-billed Plovers, 2 Buff-breasted,1 Baird's Sandpiper, and a frustratingly distant flock of 20 Godwits that taunted me as they headed south.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SW winds and sun.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, September 13, 2008
September 13, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and cool, with a SE wind.
WATERFOWL: The first Black Scoter of the season went by a light waterfowl movement today, we also had a nice RT Loon push late in the day, with 20 for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden Plovers, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings.
TERNS: A strong push of Common Terns in the last hour, with 163 going by the point.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The first Black Scoter of the season went by a light waterfowl movement today, we also had a nice RT Loon push late in the day, with 20 for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Am. Golden Plovers, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings.
TERNS: A strong push of Common Terns in the last hour, with 163 going by the point.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, September 12, 2008
September 12, 2008
WEATHER: Partly cloudy, with a steady 10-15 mph NW wind, and temps that hit 80F by the end of the count!
WATERFOWL:Light movement, 10 WW Scoters, 29 AM. Wigeon, 12 Redheads, both Scaup, 3 RT Loons, and 275 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: A slow day for shorebirds, with only 1 Am. Golden Plover, 2 Semipalmated Plovers, 1 Bairds Sandpiper, and 29 Sanderlings around the tip.
OTHER BIRDS: I found a 1st year LARK SPARROW by the Sharpie Sticks around noon today. While I was watching it, it worked inland from the Sharpie Sticks to the Merlin Pole area, and was very flighty. It was still present in the same area this evening. 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Merlin, 1 Northern Harrier, and 3 Bald Eagles were around the point today.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and Sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Light movement, 10 WW Scoters, 29 AM. Wigeon, 12 Redheads, both Scaup, 3 RT Loons, and 275 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: A slow day for shorebirds, with only 1 Am. Golden Plover, 2 Semipalmated Plovers, 1 Bairds Sandpiper, and 29 Sanderlings around the tip.
OTHER BIRDS: I found a 1st year LARK SPARROW by the Sharpie Sticks around noon today. While I was watching it, it worked inland from the Sharpie Sticks to the Merlin Pole area, and was very flighty. It was still present in the same area this evening. 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Merlin, 1 Northern Harrier, and 3 Bald Eagles were around the point today.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for SE winds and Sunny skies.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy, cool, and 20+ mph south winds.
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow, 5 Common Loons were the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 RED-NECKED PHALAROPE, which briefly worked the puddle at the tip, before everything got flushed by a Bald Eagle. 20 minutes later it was back in the pool. where it fed for a few minutes before heading south. 2 Baird's, 1 Semipalmated, 1 Least Sandpiper, and 40 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Northern Goshawk, 1 Northern Harrier, and 4 Bald Eagles were around the point today.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for nortwest winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow, 5 Common Loons were the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 RED-NECKED PHALAROPE, which briefly worked the puddle at the tip, before everything got flushed by a Bald Eagle. 20 minutes later it was back in the pool. where it fed for a few minutes before heading south. 2 Baird's, 1 Semipalmated, 1 Least Sandpiper, and 40 Sanderlings.

OTHER BIRDS: 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Northern Goshawk, 1 Northern Harrier, and 4 Bald Eagles were around the point today.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for nortwest winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
September 10, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, mid 60's, with a steady 10 mph south wind made for a slow day.
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow, with barely a handful of waterbirds, including 2 RT Loons, and 6 Redheads.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Baird's and 1 Least Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: 2 Horned Larks spent the day working the tip, and the Peregrine Falcon made a afternoon stop at the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for a partly sunny day with strong south winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:Extremely slow, with barely a handful of waterbirds, including 2 RT Loons, and 6 Redheads.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Baird's and 1 Least Sandpiper, and 11 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: 2 Horned Larks spent the day working the tip, and the Peregrine Falcon made a afternoon stop at the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for a partly sunny day with strong south winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
September 9, 2008
WEATHER: The day started off with sun, a rainstorm, and SW winds. Then changed to sun and NE winds, followed by a short burst of sleet. Things stayed cool and cloudy until the afternoon when things cleared up and the wind shifted to the west and the temperature hit the upper 60's.
WATERFOWL: A slow day, but we did get the first Surf Scoter of the fall, and a RT Loon.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden Plover, 3 Baird's, 2 Least, 1 Buff-breasted, and 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper, were the highlights.
OTHER BIRDS: The first Lapland Longspur of the fall was on the beach today, along with the Merlin, and a Peregrine Falcon.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sun, and southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A slow day, but we did get the first Surf Scoter of the fall, and a RT Loon.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Am. Golden Plover, 3 Baird's, 2 Least, 1 Buff-breasted, and 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper, were the highlights.
OTHER BIRDS: The first Lapland Longspur of the fall was on the beach today, along with the Merlin, and a Peregrine Falcon.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sun, and southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, September 8, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, with a strong WNW wind in the morning that died off by the end of the count.
WATERFOWL: The duck diversity continued to be good today with nine species of ducks including; 6 WW Scoters, 48 Northern Pintail, and 81 GW Teal. Only 514 RN Grebes went by today, and 2 RT Loons.
SHOREBIRDS: Slower then yesterday, with 1 Am. Golden Plover, 4 Baird's Sandpipers, and 30 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: 1 immature dark morph Jaeger, came by just after 7:00 a.m., followed by a adult Parasitic Jaeger a few hundred yards behind it.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds, and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The duck diversity continued to be good today with nine species of ducks including; 6 WW Scoters, 48 Northern Pintail, and 81 GW Teal. Only 514 RN Grebes went by today, and 2 RT Loons.
SHOREBIRDS: Slower then yesterday, with 1 Am. Golden Plover, 4 Baird's Sandpipers, and 30 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS: 1 immature dark morph Jaeger, came by just after 7:00 a.m., followed by a adult Parasitic Jaeger a few hundred yards behind it.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for NW winds, and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, September 7, 2008
September 7, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies in the early morning, changed to sun by the end of the count. And with a light breeze out of the west, shifting to NW in the afternoon, and temps in the upper 60's a;; made it a nice day at the tip.
WATERFOWL: A light movement, with good diversity including; 43 Am. Wigeon, BW and GW teal, WW Scoters, Greater Scaup, Co. Goldeneye, and 946 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: Another good day. Highlights where; 6 Am. Golden Plovers, 1 Buff-breasted and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 69 Sanderlings, and 1 Whimbrel.
JAEGERS: In the third hour, a 1st year intermediate morph Jaeger was seen well off shore heading south.
OTHER BIRDS: A Merlin was hunting the point at dawn, and the first Peregrine Falcon of the fall was sitting on the tip in the early afternoon. A uncommon sight were 2 Sandhill Cranes walking around the tip early this morning.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for clouds, west winds and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: A light movement, with good diversity including; 43 Am. Wigeon, BW and GW teal, WW Scoters, Greater Scaup, Co. Goldeneye, and 946 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: Another good day. Highlights where; 6 Am. Golden Plovers, 1 Buff-breasted and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 69 Sanderlings, and 1 Whimbrel.
JAEGERS: In the third hour, a 1st year intermediate morph Jaeger was seen well off shore heading south.
OTHER BIRDS: A Merlin was hunting the point at dawn, and the first Peregrine Falcon of the fall was sitting on the tip in the early afternoon. A uncommon sight were 2 Sandhill Cranes walking around the tip early this morning.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for clouds, west winds and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, September 6, 2008
September 6, 2008
WEATHER: It was another cool, cloudy day with a light drizzle in the morning, and a light SW wind.
WATERFOWL: Not much to talk about, 1 Mallard, 3 WW Scoters, 9 Common Loons, and 28 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: A pretty good day. Highlights where; 2 Am. Golden Plovers, 2 Buff-breasted and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 1 Ruddy Turnstone.
Tomorrows forecast is calling for showers and west winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Not much to talk about, 1 Mallard, 3 WW Scoters, 9 Common Loons, and 28 RN Grebes.
SHOREBIRDS: A pretty good day. Highlights where; 2 Am. Golden Plovers, 2 Buff-breasted and 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 1 Ruddy Turnstone.
Tomorrows forecast is calling for showers and west winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, September 5, 2008
September 5, 2008
WEATHER: It was a cool, mostly cloudy day with a steady NE 10-15 mph wind.

WATERFOWL: Better then yesterday, but still slow, with 385 RN Grebes, 1 Northern Pintail, and 13 GW Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: The first Am. Golden Plover of the year showed up in the last minute of the count, other peeps around included 2 Baird's Sandpipers, 20 Sanderlings, and 3 Semipalmated Plovers. After the count was over Chris found a Buff-breasted Sandpiper at the tip.
JAEGERS: This evening, Nova spotted a juvenile intermediate morph Parasitic Jaeger working south past the point, the rest of us where able to have good looks at it in the evening light.
Tomorrows forecast is calling for showers and SE winds. After this its looking like a few days of NW winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter

WATERFOWL: Better then yesterday, but still slow, with 385 RN Grebes, 1 Northern Pintail, and 13 GW Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: The first Am. Golden Plover of the year showed up in the last minute of the count, other peeps around included 2 Baird's Sandpipers, 20 Sanderlings, and 3 Semipalmated Plovers. After the count was over Chris found a Buff-breasted Sandpiper at the tip.
JAEGERS: This evening, Nova spotted a juvenile intermediate morph Parasitic Jaeger working south past the point, the rest of us where able to have good looks at it in the evening light.
Tomorrows forecast is calling for showers and SE winds. After this its looking like a few days of NW winds!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, September 4, 2008
September 4, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy, cool, with a ENE wind that was around 20 mph at dawn, but faded to 5mph or less by the last hour.
WATERFOWL: Another light day, with only 24 RN Grebes. But we did have the first Greater Scaup of the season, and 2 WW Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: Good numbers around the tip today. 9 Baird's, 1 Buff-breasted, 2 Least Sandpipers, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 3 Semi-palmated Plovers, and 22 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: The first Pipits of the fall showed up today at the tip.
WEATHER; Rain through at least tomorrow morning, with NNW winds will hopefully get some birds moving south.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Another light day, with only 24 RN Grebes. But we did have the first Greater Scaup of the season, and 2 WW Scoters.
SHOREBIRDS: Good numbers around the tip today. 9 Baird's, 1 Buff-breasted, 2 Least Sandpipers, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 3 Semi-palmated Plovers, and 22 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: The first Pipits of the fall showed up today at the tip.
WEATHER; Rain through at least tomorrow morning, with NNW winds will hopefully get some birds moving south.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
WEATHER: It seemed like today would be a really good day for migration, with northwest winds gusting up to 30 mph. However the birds thought otherwise.
WATERFOWL: Better then the past few days, but still much less then Id hoped for. 353 Red-necked Grebes, 18 Common Loons, 1 RT Loon, 21 GW Teal, 11 BW Teal, and 1 Am. Wigeon.
SHOREBIRDS: 11 Sanderlings, 5 Baird's Sandpipers, 2 Semipalmated Plovers.
OTHER BIRDS: The day started off on a bum note, with a Merlin eating a Sora at the tip. Later in the count a young Osprey came flying in off the lake.
WEATHER; Northwest winds continue in the 10-15 mph range for tomorrow, hopefully some birds will come with it.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Better then the past few days, but still much less then Id hoped for. 353 Red-necked Grebes, 18 Common Loons, 1 RT Loon, 21 GW Teal, 11 BW Teal, and 1 Am. Wigeon.
SHOREBIRDS: 11 Sanderlings, 5 Baird's Sandpipers, 2 Semipalmated Plovers.
OTHER BIRDS: The day started off on a bum note, with a Merlin eating a Sora at the tip. Later in the count a young Osprey came flying in off the lake.
WEATHER; Northwest winds continue in the 10-15 mph range for tomorrow, hopefully some birds will come with it.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
WEATHER: Sunny, hot, with a south wind around 15 m.p.h. kept the migration from happening.
WATERFOWL: 2 Red-necked Grebes, 1 Common Loon.
SHOREBIRDS: 11 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: Two Broad-winged Hawks, and the Goshawk made repeated passes around the tip today.
WEATHER; Northwest winds in the 20-30 mph range are forcasted for tomorrow!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 2 Red-necked Grebes, 1 Common Loon.
SHOREBIRDS: 11 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS: Two Broad-winged Hawks, and the Goshawk made repeated passes around the tip today.
WEATHER; Northwest winds in the 20-30 mph range are forcasted for tomorrow!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, September 1, 2008
September 1, 2008
WEATHER: Another pleasant day at the point. Sunny, with steady winds out of the south, and temps in the upper 70's, resulted in a very slow day.
WATERFOWL: Nonexistent, 4 Mallards where probably the highlight.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 10 Sanderlings.

OTHER BIRDS: 1 male Black-backed Woodpecker made a brief stop on the Merlin Pole this morning, and one Northern Goshawk continues to be present around the point.
WEATHER; The wind is going to continue out of the south through tomorrow, then become NW Wednesday!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Nonexistent, 4 Mallards where probably the highlight.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Baird's Sandpiper, and 10 Sanderlings.

OTHER BIRDS: 1 male Black-backed Woodpecker made a brief stop on the Merlin Pole this morning, and one Northern Goshawk continues to be present around the point.
WEATHER; The wind is going to continue out of the south through tomorrow, then become NW Wednesday!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Highlights: Jaegers
WEATHER: Another pleasant day at the point. Sunny, with 10-15mph winds out of the south, and temps in the upper 70's.
WATERFOWL: A handful of Red-necked Grebes,and 3 Horned Grebes was just about it.
SHOREBIRDS: Low numbers, only 3 Baird's, 2 Least, 1 Semipalmated Plover, and 7 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS; Three Jaegers where seen today. At dawn I had a adult Jaeger fly around the tip and into the bay, where it landed on the water and I lost it. Just before 9:00, a juvenal light morph, LONG-TAILED JAEGER came flying down the shoreline. Just before the double stacked logs it turned offshore and headed out into the lake, and then turned, and flew north back up the shoreline and I lost it. In the 4th hour a intermediate type juvenal was seen well offshore working its way south.
WEATHER; Things are supposed to hold steady for the next couple days, before a front comes through later in the week.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WEATHER: Another pleasant day at the point. Sunny, with 10-15mph winds out of the south, and temps in the upper 70's.
WATERFOWL: A handful of Red-necked Grebes,and 3 Horned Grebes was just about it.
SHOREBIRDS: Low numbers, only 3 Baird's, 2 Least, 1 Semipalmated Plover, and 7 Sanderlings.
JAEGERS; Three Jaegers where seen today. At dawn I had a adult Jaeger fly around the tip and into the bay, where it landed on the water and I lost it. Just before 9:00, a juvenal light morph, LONG-TAILED JAEGER came flying down the shoreline. Just before the double stacked logs it turned offshore and headed out into the lake, and then turned, and flew north back up the shoreline and I lost it. In the 4th hour a intermediate type juvenal was seen well offshore working its way south.
WEATHER; Things are supposed to hold steady for the next couple days, before a front comes through later in the week.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, August 30, 2008
August 30, 2008
Highlights: Jaeger Sp., Whimbrels.
WEATHER: A beautiful day at the point! sunny, with light winds out of the South at dawn, then shifting to the North late in the morning.
WATERFOWL: A decent movement of RN Grebes today, with 809 being recorded during the count period (This evening we counted 770 more heading south). Other waterbirds included; WW Scoter, BW & GW Teal, and Am. Wigeon. Loon numbers are still low, but we did have the first RT Loons of the season today.
SHOREBIRDS: The highlight of the day where 2 calling Whimbrels that flew south, past the point in the third and fitfh hours of the count. Shorebird numbers were down from earlier in the week, with only 7 Sanderlings, 2 Semipalmated, 2 Baird's, and 1 Pectoral Sandpiper (after the count), and 2 Black-bellied Plovers. Sadly, for the first day in over a week, I did not have a Buff-breasted Sandpiper today.
Jaegers, Terns; Two Jaegers where seen today, one Juvenal flew south in the fifth hour, and one distant Jaeger flying north in the sixth hour. The first Black Terns of the season came by today, with 1 in the first hour, and 3 in the second hour.
Other birds around the point today, included a juvenal Northern Goshawk, fly over Crossbills, and a Merlin. Overall it was a nice day to be at the Point!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WEATHER: A beautiful day at the point! sunny, with light winds out of the South at dawn, then shifting to the North late in the morning.
WATERFOWL: A decent movement of RN Grebes today, with 809 being recorded during the count period (This evening we counted 770 more heading south). Other waterbirds included; WW Scoter, BW & GW Teal, and Am. Wigeon. Loon numbers are still low, but we did have the first RT Loons of the season today.
SHOREBIRDS: The highlight of the day where 2 calling Whimbrels that flew south, past the point in the third and fitfh hours of the count. Shorebird numbers were down from earlier in the week, with only 7 Sanderlings, 2 Semipalmated, 2 Baird's, and 1 Pectoral Sandpiper (after the count), and 2 Black-bellied Plovers. Sadly, for the first day in over a week, I did not have a Buff-breasted Sandpiper today.
Jaegers, Terns; Two Jaegers where seen today, one Juvenal flew south in the fifth hour, and one distant Jaeger flying north in the sixth hour. The first Black Terns of the season came by today, with 1 in the first hour, and 3 in the second hour.
Other birds around the point today, included a juvenal Northern Goshawk, fly over Crossbills, and a Merlin. Overall it was a nice day to be at the Point!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, August 29, 2008
August 29, 2008
WEATHER: The day started of bleakly, with fog so dense I couldnt see the end of the point from the Shack, eventually it cleared off and became a nice sunny day with light NW winds.
WATERFOWL:It wasn't too bad of a day for waterfowl. 1327 RN Grebes went past today, including 600 in the fifth hour! Ducks moving included Mallards, Blue and Green-winged Teal, Am. Wigeon, Lesser Scaup, and Northern Shoveler.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Buff-breasted, 4 Baird's, and 13 Sanderlings continue to be present around the point.
OTHER BIRDS; Chris found a Black-backed Woodpecker in the woods that made a brief flight by the Shack in the morning, as well as a young Northern Goshawk that spent much of the afternoon hunting along the tree line.
The forecast is calling for NW winds tomorrow, so the migration should be nice.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:It wasn't too bad of a day for waterfowl. 1327 RN Grebes went past today, including 600 in the fifth hour! Ducks moving included Mallards, Blue and Green-winged Teal, Am. Wigeon, Lesser Scaup, and Northern Shoveler.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Buff-breasted, 4 Baird's, and 13 Sanderlings continue to be present around the point.
OTHER BIRDS; Chris found a Black-backed Woodpecker in the woods that made a brief flight by the Shack in the morning, as well as a young Northern Goshawk that spent much of the afternoon hunting along the tree line.
The forecast is calling for NW winds tomorrow, so the migration should be nice.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, August 28, 2008
August 28,2008
WEATHER: Another slow day due to strong south winds. Gray skies throughout the day, and rain after the count made for somewhat of a dreary day.
WATERFOWL: Not much was moving, 5 RN Grebes, 5 Common Loons, and 5 Mallards were it.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Buff-breasted, 2 Baird's, 1 Pectoral, 2 Semipalmated Sandipipers, and 19 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS; The highlight of the day was a young Parasitic Jaeger that buzzed the shack in pursuit of a Ring-billed Gull just after 9:00 this morning. After hitting the gulls for a bit, it went offshore and we lost track of it. Check the sightings blog for Chris's picture of it.
The winds are supposed to shift around tonight and be out of the Northwest tomorrow. If that happens things should really start moving!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Not much was moving, 5 RN Grebes, 5 Common Loons, and 5 Mallards were it.
SHOREBIRDS: 1 Buff-breasted, 2 Baird's, 1 Pectoral, 2 Semipalmated Sandipipers, and 19 Sanderlings.
OTHER BIRDS; The highlight of the day was a young Parasitic Jaeger that buzzed the shack in pursuit of a Ring-billed Gull just after 9:00 this morning. After hitting the gulls for a bit, it went offshore and we lost track of it. Check the sightings blog for Chris's picture of it.
The winds are supposed to shift around tonight and be out of the Northwest tomorrow. If that happens things should really start moving!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
August 27, 2008
WEATHER: Another nice day here. Sunny, with a steady south wind, and temps in the mid 70's.
WATERFOWL: Nonexistent, 1 Common Loon, 1 RN Grebe, 1 Mallard.
SHOREBIRDS: Lower numbers today compared to earlier in the week. 1 Buff-breasted, 1 Baird's, 3 Semipalmated, 1 Least, and the first Pectoral Sandpiper of the season.
Terns: 2 Caspian Terns made an appearance at the point in the last hour of the count.

Winds are supposed to hold steady out of the South for the next 24 hours or so...
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Nonexistent, 1 Common Loon, 1 RN Grebe, 1 Mallard.
SHOREBIRDS: Lower numbers today compared to earlier in the week. 1 Buff-breasted, 1 Baird's, 3 Semipalmated, 1 Least, and the first Pectoral Sandpiper of the season.
Terns: 2 Caspian Terns made an appearance at the point in the last hour of the count.

Winds are supposed to hold steady out of the South for the next 24 hours or so...
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
August 26, 2008
WEATHER: A pleasent day at the point, very light South winds throughout the day, mid 70's, and lots of sun.
WATERFOWL: 139 Red-necked Grebes, 2 Horned Grebes, 10 Common Loons and 2 GW Teal, a little better then expected considering the winds.
SHOREBIRDS: More of the same, 1 Buff-breasted, 6 Baird's, Semipalmated, and Least Sandipipers, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs.
OTHER BIRDS; The highlight of the day was a WESTERN KINGBIRD that spent about a hour flycatching at the tip this morning, we last saw it around 10:00 a.m. as it worked north along the beach. I also had Nashville, Palm, and YR Warblers, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Chimney Swifts around the point today.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 139 Red-necked Grebes, 2 Horned Grebes, 10 Common Loons and 2 GW Teal, a little better then expected considering the winds.
SHOREBIRDS: More of the same, 1 Buff-breasted, 6 Baird's, Semipalmated, and Least Sandipipers, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs.
OTHER BIRDS; The highlight of the day was a WESTERN KINGBIRD that spent about a hour flycatching at the tip this morning, we last saw it around 10:00 a.m. as it worked north along the beach. I also had Nashville, Palm, and YR Warblers, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Chimney Swifts around the point today.

Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, August 25, 2008
August 25, 2008
WEATHER: A very bright sunny day, warm, with very light NW breezes.
WATERBIRDS: Despite the tail wind, only a trickle of birds moved through today. Diversity was good though, with eight species of ducks, including Gadwall, WW Scoter, Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, and the first Lesser Scaup of the season.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Black-bellied Plovers where briefly at the tip at dawn. 1 Buff-breasted, 6 Baird's, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 2 Ruddy Turnstone where around at some point in the day.
Southwinds are forecasted for the next day or so...
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERBIRDS: Despite the tail wind, only a trickle of birds moved through today. Diversity was good though, with eight species of ducks, including Gadwall, WW Scoter, Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, and the first Lesser Scaup of the season.
SHOREBIRDS: 2 Black-bellied Plovers where briefly at the tip at dawn. 1 Buff-breasted, 6 Baird's, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 2 Ruddy Turnstone where around at some point in the day.
Southwinds are forecasted for the next day or so...
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, August 24, 2008
August 24, 2008
WEATHER: Partly cloudy, cool, and steady NW winds 15-20 m.p.h.
WATERBIRDS: Due to the winds out of the NW, Red-necked Grebes made a good push today, with 1,508 heading south, along with 7 WW Scoters, and a handful of Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: Not much around the point at the start of the day. But by the last hour, 2 Buff-breasted, 10 Baird's, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 1 Ruddy Turnstone had appeared at the tip.
The NW winds are supposed to continue through tomorrow, which will hopefully keep things moving!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERBIRDS: Due to the winds out of the NW, Red-necked Grebes made a good push today, with 1,508 heading south, along with 7 WW Scoters, and a handful of Teal.
SHOREBIRDS: Not much around the point at the start of the day. But by the last hour, 2 Buff-breasted, 10 Baird's, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 1 Ruddy Turnstone had appeared at the tip.
The NW winds are supposed to continue through tomorrow, which will hopefully keep things moving!
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, August 23, 2008
August 23, 2008
WEATHER: The day started off with South winds and gray skies, then the front hit with West winds, and thunderstorms. by early afternoon the winds had shifted to the NW and the sun had come out.
WATERBIRDS: Slow early on, but in the last couple hours of the count things picked up, and I ended the day with 118 RN Grebes, 84 BW Teal, 8 GW Teal, and 1 Black Duck.
SHOREBIRDS: once agian shorebirds where the highlight for today, for with Buff-breasted, Baird's, Semipalmated, Least, Spotted, Solitary Sandpipers, and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs. The Piping Plover was once again hanging around the tip.
Other birds around the Waterbird Shack included a Northern Goshawk, 3 Bald Eagles, Nashville, BTG, and Tennessee Warblers.
Northwinds tomorrow!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERBIRDS: Slow early on, but in the last couple hours of the count things picked up, and I ended the day with 118 RN Grebes, 84 BW Teal, 8 GW Teal, and 1 Black Duck.
SHOREBIRDS: once agian shorebirds where the highlight for today, for with Buff-breasted, Baird's, Semipalmated, Least, Spotted, Solitary Sandpipers, and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs. The Piping Plover was once again hanging around the tip.
Other birds around the Waterbird Shack included a Northern Goshawk, 3 Bald Eagles, Nashville, BTG, and Tennessee Warblers.
Northwinds tomorrow!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, August 22, 2008
August 22, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy, with rain off and on for most of the count, and a steady south wind.
WATERFOWL:1 Red-necked Grebe, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 Common Loons where the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: The highlight for today was a Buff-breasted Sandpiper seen around the tip early in the count. The Piping Plover from the past couple days was still around, and spent most of the day on the south side of the tip. Numbers have grown slightly for the rest of the peeps, with 11 Least, and 4 Baird's Sandpipers now at the tip.

Winds are forcasted to shift around tomorrow and end the day out of the Northwest. If that actually happens, then tomorrow afternoon, and Sunday could be really good.
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL:1 Red-necked Grebe, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 Common Loons where the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: The highlight for today was a Buff-breasted Sandpiper seen around the tip early in the count. The Piping Plover from the past couple days was still around, and spent most of the day on the south side of the tip. Numbers have grown slightly for the rest of the peeps, with 11 Least, and 4 Baird's Sandpipers now at the tip.

Winds are forcasted to shift around tomorrow and end the day out of the Northwest. If that actually happens, then tomorrow afternoon, and Sunday could be really good.
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, August 21, 2008
August 21, 2008
WEATHER: Pretty much like yesterday, steady South winds throughout the day, low 70's, and lots of sun.
WATERFOWL: 1 Horned Grebe, 17 Red-necked Grebes, and 5 Common Loons where the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: The Piping Plover is still around, along with the Sanderlings, Semipalmated, Least and, Baird's Sandpiper's from yesterday.
RAPTORS: I had 7 species of raptors around the shack today; 6 Bald Eagles, 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Broad-winged Hawk, 1 Merlin, 2 Am. Kestrels, 1 Northern Harrier, and 2 Northern Goshawks. It was a rough day to be a songbird.
Enjoy the sun,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 1 Horned Grebe, 17 Red-necked Grebes, and 5 Common Loons where the only migrants.
SHOREBIRDS: The Piping Plover is still around, along with the Sanderlings, Semipalmated, Least and, Baird's Sandpiper's from yesterday.
RAPTORS: I had 7 species of raptors around the shack today; 6 Bald Eagles, 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Broad-winged Hawk, 1 Merlin, 2 Am. Kestrels, 1 Northern Harrier, and 2 Northern Goshawks. It was a rough day to be a songbird.
Enjoy the sun,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
August 20, 2008
WEATHER: Today was another nice day, with highs in the mid 70's, sunny and a steady 10mph wind out of the south.
WATERBIRDS: Despite the south winds 52 Red-necked Grebes flew south today, along with the first Blue-winged Teal, and Bufflehead of the season.
SHOREBIRDS: A relatively good day for shorebirds, with 6 Sanderling, 3 Baird's, 20 Semipalmated, 1 Least, 2 Semipalmated, and 1 Piping Plover working the south side of the tip. And 3 flyby Solitary Sandpipers
It seemed like a decent day for non-waterbirds too, with 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Am. Kestrel, and 8 Broad-winged Hawks, 4 Cliff, and 1 Bank Swallow, and 3 Nashville Warblers.
Hopefully we can get some Northwinds soon,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERBIRDS: Despite the south winds 52 Red-necked Grebes flew south today, along with the first Blue-winged Teal, and Bufflehead of the season.
SHOREBIRDS: A relatively good day for shorebirds, with 6 Sanderling, 3 Baird's, 20 Semipalmated, 1 Least, 2 Semipalmated, and 1 Piping Plover working the south side of the tip. And 3 flyby Solitary Sandpipers
It seemed like a decent day for non-waterbirds too, with 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Am. Kestrel, and 8 Broad-winged Hawks, 4 Cliff, and 1 Bank Swallow, and 3 Nashville Warblers.
Hopefully we can get some Northwinds soon,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
August 19, 2008
WEATHER: Today was a pleasant day, with highs in the upper 60's, sunny and a light breeze out of the ESE.
WATERBIRDS: Exceptionally slow. 5 Northern Shovelers, 2 RB Mergansers, 1 Common Merganser, and 5 Common Loons were it for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: It was a decent day for shorebirds, with 2 Baird's, 15 Semipalmated, and 1 Least Sandpiper. 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 5 Semipalmated Plovers, and 1 Piping Plover in the 8th hour of the count.
Other birds around the Waterbird Shack included a Northern Harrier, 2 WW Crossbills, 2 Cliff Swallows, 5 Broad-winged, and 2 Bald Eagles.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERBIRDS: Exceptionally slow. 5 Northern Shovelers, 2 RB Mergansers, 1 Common Merganser, and 5 Common Loons were it for the day.
SHOREBIRDS: It was a decent day for shorebirds, with 2 Baird's, 15 Semipalmated, and 1 Least Sandpiper. 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 5 Semipalmated Plovers, and 1 Piping Plover in the 8th hour of the count.
Other birds around the Waterbird Shack included a Northern Harrier, 2 WW Crossbills, 2 Cliff Swallows, 5 Broad-winged, and 2 Bald Eagles.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
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