Friday, October 19, 2007

19 October 2007


WEATHER: Very gusty winds from the south brought scattered showers, dark clouds, blowing sand, temperatures ranging from 14-15 Celsius, and decent visibility.

OVERALL MOVEMENT: The migration today was pretty light with a noticeable absence of ducks, lower numbers of grebes, and lower scoter numbers. Loons, which almost seem to prefer a headwind, still came by in decent numbers though. Hawks were plentiful, probably due to the strong south winds concentrating them at the point.

DUCKS & GEESE: A couple of MALLARD, GREATER SCAUP, LESSER SCAUP, LONG-TAILED DUCK (118), and all three scoter species (WHITE-WINGED, SURF, and BLACK) were seen. Also seen were 90 RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS and some COMMON MERGANSERS.

LOONS & GREBES: Over 40 COMMON LOONS, 3 RED-THROATED LOONS, and 11 RED-NECKED GREBES were seen. A couple of HORNED GREBES were also counted.

SHOREBIRDS: No shorebirds were seen today.

JAEGERS/GULLS: A rather dark young PARASITIC JAEGER (1) came zipping in during the 4th hour. It was seen again in the 6th hour and just after the count as well. A single BONAPARTE'S GULL was seen in the 7th hour.

RAPTORS: It was noticeably active at the point today. Species tallied included RED-TAILED HAWK (7), MERLIN (1), ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK (2), BALD EAGLE (2), NORTHERN GOSHAWK (1), and NORTHERN HARRIER (1).

Some of the other species seen from the waterbird shack included NORTHERN SHRIKE (1), EVENING GROSBEAK, ROCK PIGEON, CLIFF SWALLOW (2), and COMMON REDPOLL.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is calling for a chance of rain, moderate winds from the west, and a high near 60. We'll see what drops in.

Thanks for checking in!

Cory Gregory

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