Monday, August 16, 2010


Parasitic Jaeger

The official count wasn't that great today, with rain during the first five hours. Despite this, a good number of migrants were coming in off the lake. This included a bat that had me fooled for awhile. The highlight were 7 Black Terns, 5 of which were in non-breeding plumage, that kept passing around the point in the rain. 5 species of raptors and several swallow species were seen as well. Official results:

Common Loon-9
Red-necked Grebe-23
Great Blue Heron-1
Semipalmated Sandpiper-9
Bonaparte's Gull-7
Black Tern-7

This evening was a lot better, with the highlight being the Parasitic Jaeger that Scott found. It stayed close to the tip around 5 minutes, chasing the gulls, before finally heading towards the harbor. Quite exciting!

White-winged Scoter-4
Common Loon-1
Red-necked Grebe-162
Grebe Sp.-4
Semipalmated Plover-1

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