Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8, 2009

The same pattern as the last several days continues at the point: amazingly gorgeous November weather but slow birding. Temps hit the mid 50's today and would have been higher if it weren't for a thick cloud bank that rolled in during the afternoon.

Waterfowl: Red-breasted Mergansers (57) and Common Goldeneye (49) were the most common species. Mallard were the only dabbler and Greater Scaup, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Bufflehead, Common and Red-throated Loon, and Horned and Red-necked Grebe were seen in small numbers.

Gulls: There are now two juvenile Glaucous Gulls hanging out. The newer bird is lighter colored than the dark juvenile that frequents the shack. Here are some more pictures of them:

Other: The highlight was a nice flock of Bohemian Waxwings working the tree line during the afternoon.

I promise that I'll post pictures of something besides Glaucous Gulls tomorrow!

Tom Prestby
Waterbird Counter

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