WEATHER:Not too bad for the last day of the count. Partly cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a strong north wind, and flurries off and on throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: The end of the season; 4WW Scoters, 14 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 3 Common Mergansers, and 1 RN Grebe.
GULLS: We finally had some varity, with 1 Black-legged Kittiwake, 1 Thayer's, 2 Great Black-backed, 1 Ring-billed and 115 Herring Gulls.
OTHERBIRDS: The sixth Snowy Owl of the fall made a brief stop at the tip this morning, before heading south over the bay. This Owl was almost pure white, unlike the Owls from the past couple days.
Stay tuned for a final post wrapping up the 2008 fall season.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
November 14, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 40's, with northwesterly winds, and a off and on drizzle throughout the day.
WATERFOWL: Slow. 48 LT Ducks where the only ducks of the day, with 4 Red-necked Grebes and 3 Common Loons rounding out the waterfowl flight.
OTHERBIRDS: The 5ht Snowy Owl of the fall was present for the whole day at the tip. In the late morning a pair of Ravens attacked the Owl, and drove a mile offshore. When the Ravens came back to shore, a flock of gulls started mobbing the Owl, and drove it back to the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, flurries, and NNW winds 10-20 mph.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slow. 48 LT Ducks where the only ducks of the day, with 4 Red-necked Grebes and 3 Common Loons rounding out the waterfowl flight.
OTHERBIRDS: The 5ht Snowy Owl of the fall was present for the whole day at the tip. In the late morning a pair of Ravens attacked the Owl, and drove a mile offshore. When the Ravens came back to shore, a flock of gulls started mobbing the Owl, and drove it back to the tip.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, flurries, and NNW winds 10-20 mph.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, November 13, 2008
November 13, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 40's, with steady southeast winds, and light rain in the morning..
WATERFOWL: Pretty slow, with only 117 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 RB Mergansers, 3 Horned and 2 RN Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for west winds, cloudy skies, and chance of rain in the morning.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Pretty slow, with only 117 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 1 Common Goldeneye, 3 RB Mergansers, 3 Horned and 2 RN Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for west winds, cloudy skies, and chance of rain in the morning.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
November 12, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a strong (25+ mph) southeast wind.
WATERFOWL: The highlight today was the biggest Black Duck push of the fall, with a flock of 6 in the 7th hour of the count. Other then that, it was another slow day with only 35 LT Ducks, 5 Common Goldeneye, 6 Common Mergansers, 1 Mallard, 1 Common Loon, and 1 Red-necked Grebe.
OTHERBIRDS: The 4th Snowy Owl of the fall showed up today, and spent the afternoon resting
the beach.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: The highlight today was the biggest Black Duck push of the fall, with a flock of 6 in the 7th hour of the count. Other then that, it was another slow day with only 35 LT Ducks, 5 Common Goldeneye, 6 Common Mergansers, 1 Mallard, 1 Common Loon, and 1 Red-necked Grebe.
OTHERBIRDS: The 4th Snowy Owl of the fall showed up today, and spent the afternoon resting
the beach.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's, with a light westerly wind.
WATERFOWL: Quite, with only 80 LT Ducks, 3 Bufflehead, 5 Common Goldeneye, 4 RB and 12 Common Mergansers, 3 WW and 2 Black Scoters, and 18 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Quite, with only 80 LT Ducks, 3 Bufflehead, 5 Common Goldeneye, 4 RB and 12 Common Mergansers, 3 WW and 2 Black Scoters, and 18 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, southeast winds, and a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, November 10, 2008
November 10, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy skies, temps in the 30's and a stiff northwest wind, made for a long day.
WATERFOWL: Things seem to be slowing down, with only 155 LT Ducks, 33 Bufflehead, 16 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 5 Common Mergansers, 2 Black Scoters and 8 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Things seem to be slowing down, with only 155 LT Ducks, 33 Bufflehead, 16 Common Goldeneye, 7 RB and 5 Common Mergansers, 2 Black Scoters and 8 Red-necked Grebes.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and light northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, November 9, 2008
November 8, 2008
WEATHER: Strong northwest winds, and snow flurries limited visibility. At times it was a complete whiteout.
WATERFOWL: There wasn't much to look happening today, despite seemingly good winds only a light duck flight. Highlights where; 95 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 6 Common and 37 RB Merganser, 3 Gadwall, 55 Common Goldeneye, and 3 Red-necked Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The third Snowy Owl of the fall was briefly present at the tip in the early afternoon, it was last seen flying south across the bay. A strange sight were 2 WW Crossbills feeding on the beach like Snow Buntings, in the mid morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: There wasn't much to look happening today, despite seemingly good winds only a light duck flight. Highlights where; 95 LT Ducks, 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 6 Common and 37 RB Merganser, 3 Gadwall, 55 Common Goldeneye, and 3 Red-necked Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The third Snowy Owl of the fall was briefly present at the tip in the early afternoon, it was last seen flying south across the bay. A strange sight were 2 WW Crossbills feeding on the beach like Snow Buntings, in the mid morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for more northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 8, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and rainy, with temps in the 40's and almost no wind.
WATERFOWL: Other then a light Long-tailed Duck flight, there wasn't much to look at. 207 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 37 RB Merganser, and 6 RN Grebes.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was still present today, alternating between the harbor and the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Other then a light Long-tailed Duck flight, there wasn't much to look at. 207 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 37 RB Merganser, and 6 RN Grebes.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was still present today, alternating between the harbor and the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for northwest winds and snow.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Friday, November 7, 2008
November 7, 2008
WEATHER: Cloudy and foggy, with temps in the low 50's and a light southeast wind.
WATERFOWL: Other then a decent LT Duck movement, things were slow again. 699 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 4 Black Scoters, 2 Common Goldeneye, 12 RB Merganser, and 6 Buffleheads.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Spotted Sandpiper circled the tip in the afternoon before join up with a Snow Bunting flock and heading south.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was around again today, along with 1 Bonaparte's Gull.
OTHERBIRDS: A adult Northern Goshawk made a couple passes around the tip today. 3 Lapland Longspur's were mixed in with a Snow Bunting flock.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cooler temps, rain, and southwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Other then a decent LT Duck movement, things were slow again. 699 LT Ducks, 4 WW and 4 Black Scoters, 2 Common Goldeneye, 12 RB Merganser, and 6 Buffleheads.
SHOREBIRDS: A late Spotted Sandpiper circled the tip in the afternoon before join up with a Snow Bunting flock and heading south.
GULLS: The 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull was around again today, along with 1 Bonaparte's Gull.
OTHERBIRDS: A adult Northern Goshawk made a couple passes around the tip today. 3 Lapland Longspur's were mixed in with a Snow Bunting flock.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cooler temps, rain, and southwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Thursday, November 6, 2008
November 6, 2008

WEATHER: 50's anc cloudy with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: Extremely slow, with no birds in the last 4 hours of the count. 5 LT Ducks, 4 Common Goldeneye, 1 RB Merganser, and 4 RN Grebes were it for the day.
GULLS: A 1st winter Great-blacked Back Gull spent the day around the tip.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for south east winds and rain.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5, 2008
WEATHER: Another beautiful day! Sunny and 60's, with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: 2 WW Scoters, 7 LT Ducks, 11 Bufflehead, 12 Common Goldeneye, and 5 RB Merganser's.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks hunted the treeline in the early afternoon, and the second Murrelet of the fall flew past heading south at the start of the 7th hour. We're still unsettled on a ID, but it had white underwings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, more south winds, and a chance of showers..
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 2 WW Scoters, 7 LT Ducks, 11 Bufflehead, 12 Common Goldeneye, and 5 RB Merganser's.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Northern Goshawks hunted the treeline in the early afternoon, and the second Murrelet of the fall flew past heading south at the start of the 7th hour. We're still unsettled on a ID, but it had white underwings.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, more south winds, and a chance of showers..
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4, 2008
WEATHER: Fantastic weather for November! Sunny and 60's, with a light south breeze.
WATERFOWL: 1 Mallard, 1 WW Scoter, 8 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 10 RB Mergansers, 2 Common Loons, 1 Horned and 1 RN Grebe were it for the day.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Rough-legged Hawks hunted the treeline and beach for part of the morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and more south winds.
God Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 1 Mallard, 1 WW Scoter, 8 LT Ducks, 8 Common Goldeneye, 10 RB Mergansers, 2 Common Loons, 1 Horned and 1 RN Grebe were it for the day.
OTHERBIRDS: 2 Rough-legged Hawks hunted the treeline and beach for part of the morning.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for sunny skies, and more south winds.
God Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 3, 2008
WEATHER: Warm (50's!) and hazy with light south winds.
WATERFOWL: 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 71 Long-tailed Ducks, 13 Common Goldeneye, and 4 Horned Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The second Snowy Owl of the fall spent the day at the tip today, giving those present great views of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and south winds.
Enjoy the Warmth!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: 2 WW and 3 Black Scoters, 71 Long-tailed Ducks, 13 Common Goldeneye, and 4 Horned Grebes.
OTHERBIRDS: The second Snowy Owl of the fall spent the day at the tip today, giving those present great views of it.

The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and south winds.
Enjoy the Warmth!
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Sunday, November 2, 2008
WEATHER: A cool, hazy day with 25+ m.p.h. Southeast winds.
WATERFOWL: Slooooooooow. 35 RB Mergansers, 21 Common Goldeneye, 9 LT Ducks, 4 WW Scoters, 4 Greater Scaup, 4 Bufflehead. 3 RT Loons, and 1 distant Swan species were nice.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and Southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Slooooooooow. 35 RB Mergansers, 21 Common Goldeneye, 9 LT Ducks, 4 WW Scoters, 4 Greater Scaup, 4 Bufflehead. 3 RT Loons, and 1 distant Swan species were nice.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for cloudy skies, and Southeast winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November 1, 2008
WEATHER: A beautiful day at the point. With a cloudless sky, light east winds that had switched around to the NW by the end of the count, and temps in the 40's.
WATERFOWL: Not much. 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 5 LT Ducks, 25 Bufflehead, 43 Common Godleneye, and 78 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Short-eared Owl came in off the lake in the first hour. A strange sighting was a RB Gull eating what appeared to be a female type Scarlet Tanager in the second hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
WATERFOWL: Not much. 5 WW and 2 Black Scoters, 5 LT Ducks, 25 Bufflehead, 43 Common Godleneye, and 78 RB Mergansers.
OTHERBIRDS: A Short-eared Owl came in off the lake in the first hour. A strange sighting was a RB Gull eating what appeared to be a female type Scarlet Tanager in the second hour.
The forecast for tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy skies, and Northwest winds.
Good Birding,
Tim Baerwald
Waterbird Counter
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